Classes for Adults

It’s true, the Spokane Learning Co-op is offering its first classes especially for adults!

Welcome to the Wonderful World of Improvisation!

What is improv? In a nutsell, it’s permission to play again… in a structured and supportive way.

You may have seen improv before — the most popular example of improv is the TV show “Who’s Line is it Anyway?

If you’ve ever played charades or made up a song, you’ve done improv.

Participants often call improv their therapy because it helps them to be more present in the here and now, to become more confident, to think outside of the box, and to see what it’s like to be someone else — while also becoming more yourself.

And it’s a lot of fun!

Here are our two upcoming improv classes:

Intro to Improv

This eight-week introduction to improvisation will guide participants through a variety of games and activities designed to help you explore the joy of playing make-believe. You’ll get to create characters and create scenes. Don’t worry about “being funny” — simply enjoy the process and watch your confidence grow!

We’ll meet two hours a week for eight weeks. Days and times will be decided by participants. At the end of the eight weeks, we’ll have a show for your friends and family.

Advanced Improv: The Improvised Mockumentary

This eight-week advanced improv class will train experienced improvisers and actors to create and perform an entirely improvised mockumentary. Drawing inspiration from Christopher Guest’s films (e.g., Waiting for Guffman, Best in Show), students will learn the foundational elements of the mockumentary style, character development, storytelling, and interview-based scene work. The course will culminate in a fully improvised mockumentary performance for a live audience.